In 12 months, you will be enjoying the sunset from your front porch having built your home the SMART way. . .

by cutting out the middleman, saving $110,000+, maintaining control of the build budget and decisions. . .

and skyrocketing your net worth at the same time!


  • VIDEOS - anytime access, teach you HOW to confidently be your own GC, find good subs, and manage the project

  • Comprehensive GUIDEBOOK to step you through the process, knowing what you need to do and what's coming up

  • CHECKLISTS right when you need them in the process, so you don't miss anything

  • Forms, templates, scripts, and spreadsheets (Budget, Schedule, Spec, etc) so you're not starting from scratch

  • Helpful links for items you'll find very handy while building

  • Our collaborative community of fellow Bootstrappers for exchanging ideas, advice and building tips

  • Monthly small-group Q&A sessions with Cody and Jessica

  • And More!

$2495 $1995

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“How much you have blessed us with information far beyond what we expected through the course. We are excited now about being an owner builder and without you and your course we would still be looking for a builder and trying to settle on building a much smaller house.”


How much money will I save?

You'll save the GC markup which is about 25% of the cost of labor + materials. In addition, we'll teach you ways to save another 10-15% compared to building with a GC. If you are experienced in a trade, and choose to do some work yourself, you could save even more.

Example: If you've gotten bids from a builder(GC) for your home and he says it will be $500,000 to build, you can multiply that by .75 to get a conservative estimate of your cost as a Bootstrap Builder... so in this example, you would SAVE $125,000 or more.

What, if any, construction experience is required?

The vast majority of our clients have no construction experience whatsoever and rely on our tools, knowledge and expertise to complete their home construction project on-time and on-budget, while avoiding costly pitfalls.

How will I know if my house is being constructed properly?

Unless you are one of the few with new home construction experience, you won't know - but the good news is that we will teach you how to leverage those who know exactly what to watch out for, so you can rest assured that your subcontractors are doing their work properly and that only quality materials are being used.

How much time will I need to spend on the project?

Those clients that have had a custom home built by a General Contractor know that a significant amount of time and effort were devoted to their home construction project...even with a GC. As a Bootstrap Builder, you will touch the project daily, whether a 5 minute phone call to confirm with the electrician for tomorrow or maybe 30 minutes on site to check progress, and oversee work. Most report and average of 10-15 hours per week spent on the project, more if they are doing any DIY work.

How long will it take to build our house?

It depends on the size of your home, the weather and how much of the work you intend to do yourself, but a good rule-of-thumb is about 8-12 months to complete the construction of your home.

How much equity will I have when finished?

The amount you SAVE by being a Bootstrap Builder is about what you can easily expect to see in equity. Additionally, custom homes tend to appreciate in value more quickly than tract "cookie-cutter" homes, and you could very well see in increase in value occur while you build.

So going back to the example in the first FAQ: If you built that house the builder said would cost $500,000 to build for $375,000 as a Bootstrap Builder, you would have $125,000 in equity.

This means, your net worth increased by $125,000.

This means that if you decided to sell the house the day it's complete, it will likely sell for at least $500,000 and you get to pocket the difference.

Your Potential Return on Investment

When you implement all the strategies in the Bootstrap Builders Program, you could


of $1995 and save over $110,000 on your build.*

That's not even including the fact that you could add that same amount or more to your net worth in the form of equity...And save 15 or 30 years of interest on that amount (if you're planning to have a mortgage)!

*Where we're getting these numbers: Owner-Builders report an average savings of 35% compared to what it would cost to build with a builder, but we're using 25% just to be conservative. The average cost to build in 2023 is $440,000 and so 25% of that is $110,000.

100% money back guarantee

The Bootstrap Builders Program comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. We are confident that if you follow this program, you will confidently enjoy a successful home build, save money, and build equity.

If you watch all the videos, and read thru the guidebook and don’t think your build will benefit from the information packed into this program, simply email our team to request a refund within 30 days of purchase